Let’s chat about the bag, the business fuel, THE MONEY!
Did you make a profit in the first quarter (Q1)?
Now, if you do know your numbers and you didn’t reach the profit stage, do you know why? Seriously…you should know why. Did you market your products/services? Are you hiding behind the fear of failure? Do you have a solid strategy? Are your prices set competitively?
Fact: Businesses run-off profits. Otherwise, how will you sustain your business and your lifestyle?
Set a deadline for yourself to check your business purse by the end of this month. This allows you time to make adjustments for improvements for Q2.
I know from personal experience that it can be very discouraging to not reach the money goals you set but I want you to take a deep breath. It happens but the key is, to be honest about the adjustments you need to make. Be brave Maven! Connect with someone to help you improve your process and to hold you accountable.
Not sure what to do, feeling STUCK or overwhelmed? Make an investment in yourself and your business and schedule a 60 minute BAM session with me and let’s put a purse strategy in place.
Sessions are virtual and include a pre-session questionnaire, 60-minute strategy session and 30 minute follow up session. The investment is $375. Schedule HERE or email me hello@miarashaw.com and let’s start the conversation.
There are only 5 seats available for these BAM Sessions through June so secure yours today!
Let’s secure these bags!